**Work in Progress** Dehumanization, a homeless person seen as a piece of furniture. People seeking dopamine kicks at Disneyland and Santa Monica Pier, while homeless people seek dopamine kicks doing drugs right outside the park. Seen as lesser humans. Selective empathy and privilege. Double standards. Cognitive dissonance. Socially acceptable dissociation, distraction, numbing out. "Deserving" circumstances or "earning" pleasures. Structural, systemic failures. Individual choice of awareness. Juxtaposition. Uncomfortable truths. Perceived safety in social networks. Stanford Prison Experiment, Milgram Experiment, Toxic Workplace "Rat Race", Rwandan Genocide, Handmaid's Tale, etc. The ability people have to see other humans as something less than human and deserving of pain. Dehumanization.
Humans / Santa Monica Pier
Spring 2017 - Present
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